Millionaire City Wiki

Pimp the House I

Goal: Information needed.

Reward: Information needed.

Pimp the House II

Goal: Information needed.

Reward: Information needed.

Pimp the House III

Goal: Information needed.

Reward: Information needed.

Pimp the House IV

Goal: Build decorations next to a Townhouse to get 60% House Bonus.

Reward: $45,000

Pimp the Villa

Goal: Build decorations next to a Villa to get 90% House Bonus.

Reward: $150,000

Pimp the Chateau

Goal: Build decorations next to a Chateau to get 110% House Bonus.

Reward: $150,000

Pimp the Colonial

Goal: Build decorations next to a Colonial to get 360% House Bonus.

Reward: 10 gold
